Thursday, June 2, 2011


Before I go off on an apartment complex rant I'd just like to point out I'm yet again having to use my complex computers...proving to be the only thing this place is good for, well that and the extreme efficiency of the maintenance staff whom fixed all of our breaking appliances/alarms/unlocking windows and the security officers.
My question for the day, though more like the past month,  would be if apartment complexes make most of their profits off of college students wouldn't you think they would do everything in their power to make sure we return????? Clearly, this is not the case. At first I thought this was just the case with my complex, however I hate to say that I'm comforted (in a twisted way...though I'm actually not comforted obviously I'm irritated) in a way to find that no it's like that at most of these establishments. All legalities and no ethics or morals. How depressing. If any of you ever plan to live at one of these please make sure you are never robbed or acquire bedbugs because "legally we do not have to do anything for you". Hahaha that has become my favorite line. On the bright side, this makes for some awesome/funny stories. And I personally love to tell stories lol and I don't even have to embellish these which is wonderful!
Anyways, I hope everyone has a splendid Thursday and Weekend :)!!!
Despite all this is the best summer ever so far: friends, great job(great experience), and good times had by all so far :)!

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