Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Poking Fake Tissue and Being Right

     I just love being right at this moment. See now if the maintenance people cough cough had listen to my roommate and I in the first place than my carpet probably would not have been completely ruined from the mass amount of water everywhere. But no, I apparently was overloading the washer....HAHA how you feel now maintenance men to find the two girls you basically called stupid knew what was wrong and you didn't. For the record, I am not going to put my washer on extra-large when I was a SMALL load...ha nice try though to try and get me to use more water.
     Somehow I don't think piercing fake fatty tissue or muscle tissue with needles is as realistic as giving a human medicine. I mean I realize since we are just nursing students starting out we probably shouldnt be practicing poking each other or well anybody at the moment but as far as I can tell fake tissue doesn't scream when you pierce it or squirt blood.....I mean it does squirt other liquids...the liquids you put in it. Then again, I'd much rather be poking something fake than have one of my clinical-mates jamming into my arm with a needle. Now that is scary, just think about how shaky you would be if it was your first time jamming something into someones arm and then combine that with understandable excitement.....yea exactly, freaky combo.

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