I seriously love this song. I find it so incredibly refreshing!!
I know I talked about tv shows last night, and typically I find shows on MTV entertaining because of how crazy they are...and not ever really in a good way. Their newest show, If You Really Knew Me, is crazy but in a different way. For once it's a show about allowing people to be who they are and showing that it's okay to be that person. I think my favorite part about the show is the "power shuffle" portion where they call out topics or things that if you relate to them you cross a line in the middle of the room. It allows the people involved and the viewers watching to understand that no one is ever alone. I feel like so often we lose sight of that, or we put up this facade that everything is okay when it's not. Heck, I do it allllll the time....but as much as it pains me to admit this (and it does pain me haha) sometimes letting go is so much easier than holding on. If you think about it, wouldn't that obviously be so? I mean in gym class when you had to do chin-ups how long were you actually able to hold on to that dumb bar before you let go and dropped? Chances are, you let go a lot faster than the amount of time you held on. Thankfully there was always that little blue matt underneath to catch your fall. I don't know where I was going with all of that, but I guess what I'm trying to say is you have friends for a reason. People were put into your life for a reason and vise versa.
p.s. I have the upper body strength of a fish, which basically means nooooone, so HA I always fell down pretty fast :)
I watched that portion of If You Really Knew Me once, and I cried like a tiny baby without even watching the beginning of the show.